
Ein Projekt zur Förderung und Forderung einer Fachdidaktik für die Lehre des Design.

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Designing Aesthetic Freeform Objects: a Course for Industrial Design Engineering Students

“Designing Aesthetic Freeform Objects: a Course for Industrial Design Engineering Students” ist das Paper von Christian Wölfel und Johannes Uhlmann, TU Dresden anlässlich der International Conference on Engeneering and Product Design Education vom 4/5 September 2008 an der Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona.
In ihrem Paper erläutern Wölfel und Uhlmann ihre zweistufige Methode. Die Methode basiert auf einer iterativen Schleife aus [Schätzung, Anwendung, Kontrolle, verfeinerte Schätzung], die sie in fünf elementare Schritte gliedern und anhand ihrer Anwendung in der Lehrpraxis darstellen.


Retaining basic sculptural education within an industrial design curriculum may seem a bit odd. A design theory focussed on creating objects might also be considered oldfashioned. But it obtains its right to exist from future generations, who will still be surrounded by objects. And these objects will have to be designed. An education in design basics includes instruction in drawing, graphics, colour, and three-dimensional form with one common goal: teaching a basic design methodology and equipping students with sensitivity for fundamental aesthetic, syntactic and semantic qualities of products. This is of great importance when students with an engineering design background are taught in industrial design, where two significant differences to usual design curricula can be found: first, there is less time available to teach these students in product design; second, these students are marked by technicalfunctional problem solving and used to getting precise instructions. Within a three-year design curriculum, which supplements two years of mechanical engineering education, we offer a coherent education in design fundamentals. In this paper we will describe the Two-Step Method, which is used as a fundamental design method in our education program. Furthermore we will show how this method is applied to educating industrial design students in creating aesthetic three-dimensional forms.”

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Guido Kühn

2001-2013 Professur AV Mediendesign an der Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Hall | 2011-2016 Dozent für Designtheorie und Praxis, AV Medienkommunikation und Social Media Management an der Hochschule Heilbronn | 2015-2018 Professur Cross Media Design an der Hochschule Heidelberg | Seit 2022 Professur Gamedevelopment-2D Art and Animation an der Hochschule Neu-Ulm mit Philip Zerweck Gründer von Plattform und DGTF Themengruppe Designdidaktik. de

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