Design Education – Special Interest Group (DESIG)
Die Design Education – Special Interest Group (DESIG) der Design Society stellt so etwas wie die internationale Variante der Themengruppe Design Didaktik der DGTF (also uns) dar.
Sie organisiert die E&PDE – Engineering and Product Design Education – Biannual conferences and workshops und publiziert die Proceedings der Tagungen.
Die DESIG schreibt über sich selbst:
To bring together academics, designers, training professionals and others throughout the world who have an interest in design education at the tertiary level.
General Aim: To provide a forum for the identification, sharing and dissemination of best practice in design education.
In order to achieve this aim DESIG will seek to undertake the following;
- Organise an international design education conference every two years (in non ICED, „even“ years)
- Organise an international design education workshop every two years (in ICED, „uneven“ years)
- Collaborate with national design education organisations in the organisation of national design education conferences
- Promote working groups to develop key design education issues
- Promote special design education issues of journals
- Maintain a design education resource web site (restricted to membership, download/upload, sponsorship)
- Other activities as deemed appropriate.“
Das achtköpfige Komitee ist im Herbst 2013 mit Männern aus UK, Schottland und den USA besetzt.
Homepage der Design Education – Special Interest Group (DESIG)