
Ein Projekt zur Förderung und Forderung einer Fachdidaktik für die Lehre des Design.


Design Education – Special Interest Group (DESIG)

Die Design Education – Special Interest Group (DESIG) der Design Society stellt so etwas wie die internationale Variante der Themengruppe Design Didaktik der DGTF (also uns) dar.

Sie organisiert die E&PDE – Engineering and Product Design Education – Biannual conferences and workshops und publiziert die Proceedings der Tagungen.

Die DESIG schreibt über sich selbst:

To bring together academics, designers, training professionals and others throughout the world who have an interest in design education at the tertiary level.

General Aim: To provide a forum for the identification, sharing and dissemination of best practice in design education.

In order to achieve this aim DESIG will seek to undertake the following;

  1. Organise an international design education conference every two years (in non ICED, „even“ years)
  2. Organise an international design education workshop every two years (in ICED, „uneven“ years)
  3. Collaborate with national design education organisations in the organisation of national design education conferences
  4. Promote working groups to develop key design education issues
  5. Promote special design education issues of journals
  6. Maintain a design education resource web site (restricted to membership, download/upload, sponsorship)
  7. Other activities as deemed appropriate.“

Das achtköpfige Komitee ist im Herbst 2013 mit Männern aus UK, Schottland und den USA besetzt.

Homepage der Design Education – Special Interest Group (DESIG)

Philip Zerweck

Autor, Produktentwickler, Designlehrer und Designwissenschaftler

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